We spent the following day visiting Bishop’s Castle with the whole family. I have a practice of only putting things on a my “bucket list” when I am about to cross them off, so I was able to add and accomplish climbing to the top of the castle with Tabetha! What a cool place! It was built by a local man with a chip on his shoulder regarding his perception of an overbearing American government system. The castle itself is extraordinary, but I still found the handwritten poster board signs around the castle the most entertaining aspect. He had one that made clear it was him and not his father who built the castle, one that detailed his legal struggles (an eventual success) with a government that told him he did not have the right to build the castle on private property, and a fun one that stated driver’s licenses were unconstitutional. We got some great photos, had a picnic in a nearby town park where we all enjoyed some river hiking and rock hounding, and returned to the house for our last night with Tabetha and Rob. It was an amazing vacation!
We closed out the last weekend of pure freedom entertaining 2 of my closest college friends, one from Minneapolis, and the other venturing our way from California. My friend Miriam was originally planning to attend Nevada’s infamous “Burning Man” festival, several days of party-infused adult fun outdoors in the desert. Knowing she was probably disappointed when her plans changed, we decided to recreate Burning Man, Erin Prairie style! Although we didn’t go with our original plans to dress Morgan in a tie-dyed speedo (complete with leather fringe) and dance around a fire nearly nude, we did build an effigy out of recycled cardboard, dressed him in pants and a necktie, built a bonfire in the burn barrel, a sacrificed him in the name of Burning Man. I think we did Miriam proud in our local display, and we all had an excellent time!