Shortly after that conversation with my friend, I decided I am not going to wake up at 65 and wonder where that time has gone, and what if I had followed that dream. Shortly after that conversation, we packed up a U-Haul in Vegas and came to Wisconsin to begin our journey. And now 5 more years have passed, living in someone else's house, on someone else's land, sharing someone else's dream. But tomorrow we move on, and move in to our own house, on our own farm. What a sweet dream come true! My emotions are running rampant, from joyful and excited, to nervous and scared. With 3 weeks left of school, the kids will be starting fresh in a new community, we all will. For 5 years their school has been like my second home, and it shows in the number of teachers, staff, and parents who have expressed their sadness that we are leaving, but their support for this opportunity. We've imbedded deeply into this neighborhood, these two towns we call home, and the people we call our neighbors. It's sad to think we will be starting new...but that's also where it gets exciting!
I truly believe of all the assets we call ours in our lives, at the end of the day, our greatest asset is our relationships with other people. It will always exceed any monetary or material possession we have. I have always tried to treat people with kindness, and Chris is just about the best neighbor anyone could ask for. I don't think anything we have accomplished since we've been here would be half as successful if it weren't for the friendships we've made along the way. Because of the strong ties we have here, because of the note my son received from his best buds calling him their "loyal friend", and because I broke down in tears after thanking and saying good-bye to their bus driver this morning (yes, that actually happened), I know we will continue to find friends, neighbors, and second homes everywhere in our new town. Because we value those relationships above all of our other assets, we will always be an important part of our community and make lasting impressions on those we meet.
Life is full of opportunities, and it makes me even more excited to wake up each and every morning knowing that there is nowhere else I'd rather be, and nothing I'd rather be doing.