"We move about our days stepping front-to-back and side-to-side until our movement is interrupted by something so curiously beautiful we remember that simply noticing is action, too"
My first-world instinct was to run upstairs and grab my phone, it was dead. My tablet was, too. I thought about grabbing the Nikon, but the clicking noise I knew would disrupt that moment, so I committed it to my memory by closing my eyes and just breathing it in.
There are so many things keeping us busy around the farm now that Spring has finally arrived. Prepping the garden, stocking up product to sell at festivals, cleaning out the kitty coop, and lightening the flock of overcrowded testosterone topped the list this week. We move about our days checking marks on our to-do lists, stepping front-to-back and side-to-side until our movement is interrupted by something so curiously beautiful and pure we are reminded that simply standing, watching, and noticing are all actions, too. They may never make our lists, but when they happen we should hold them, not on our devices, but in our heart.