1) Visit to view available items. All items listed are available to accept offers.
2) Find the item listing you want to make an offer on and start a conversation through the listing. In your message, state your offered price for each listing you want to offer. Offering on multiple items increases the chances of a lower offer being accepted!
3) I will either message you back with acceptance of your offer or a counter-offer I deem to be reasonable. NO RESONABLE OFFERS WILL BE REFUSED!
4) Once an offer has been accepted, I will change your listing(s) to reflect the agreed upon price in a private listing with your name attached. I will include the link(s) to your item(s) in our conversation.
5) Purchase your item(s) through the etsy site and they will be sent to you via USPS. All sales are final!
Handmade clothing makes a wonderful shower, birthday, or new baby gift. I take great pride in making ultra-contemporary pieces that are unique, versitile, and long-wearing. After this sale, I will be closing my Etsy shop and selling all new items through! Keep an eye out on our store section of for my new collections coming in April 2014!