"In 2017 My True Love Gave To Me... Our home was built in 1900 by The Fisher family. We know this because waiting for the school bus one morning only days after moving in a pick up truck pulled up with an older gentleman inside. He stopped and started a conversation with us, introducing himself and telling us he had a deep connection to our home, it was built by his grandfather. The Fisher family owned many hundred acres in the area, that now are owned by other farmers, or have been sold off as residential land. They farmed a lot of different crops over time, and they had an apple orchard. One of Chris' goals upon moving in was to get an orchard started as soon as possible, knowing the years is will take to actually see a decent harvest. Our kids eat fruit like candy, so we went in with several different fruit trees. Plants are Chris' passion, and he found a greenhouse near River Falls with a great selection of fruit trees and bushes, like raspberries and blueberries. We ended up planting 2 of each; apple, pear, plum, and cherry. We also put in 2 grape vines, planted a raspberry patch just south of the barn, and a couple of blueberry bushes on the edge of the forest. Eventually we'd like to expand, adding more of the trees we already have, and also adding nut trees, and a kiwi that is supposed to be hybrid for colder climates and shorter seasons. The deer left our little baby trees pretty much alone this year, so we are hoping they will all come back stronger and bigger next year, and the next, and eventually we will see a harvest to feed our kid's crazy appetites and allow me enough reasons to perfect my pie crust!
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